

In accordance with the French Intellectual Property Law and, more generally, the international treaties and agreements containing clauses relating to copyright protection, you agree not to reproduce (for any purpose other than private), sell, distribute, transmit, adapt, modify, publish—in whole or in part in any form whatsoever—data or information from/organization of this site without prior written consent from Normandy

French legislation relating to access rights to electronics files

In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of January 6th, 1978, any user having submitted information to this site which is directly or indirectly personal, may request this personal information by contacting Normandy , and may rectify it if necessary.

Liability Disclaimer

While we have taken every step to ensure the reliability of the information contained in this website, Normandy may incur no liability due to mistakes, omissions or for results that may be obtained by using this information.
Normandy is bound by an obligation concerning the information it makes available to those accessing its website.
Moreover, the use of hyperlinks may take you away from our website to other servers, over which Normandy has no control.

Access to the website

Access to the website is possible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in the case of force majeur or an event outside of Normandy control, and subject to any breakdowns necessary maintenance to keep the site and its associated hardware running effectively. Access to the service is via a personal computer connected to a telecommunications network providing access to the website according to the communication protocols used on the Internet.